When we first moved into our house (a year ago in June), we wanted to re-do the back deck so that we could host parties, cookouts and just lounge in the sun when it was nice. The deck was original to the house and hadn't had anything done to it in over 20 years so we wanted to get rid of the splintered old boards and replace them in addition to a quick spruce to the whole thing. Well, we enlisted my dad's help to do it and it has been a SUPER slow and difficult process. Not to mention that it was on hold for a few months during the winter with the snow and cold weather. The boards needed to be pulled up, new boards put down, the railings were old so they were all taken off and new put on. It has taken a full year, but I'm super excited to say that it's finally done! We officially have a back porch! Now if only I had furniture to put out there. Beach towels will have to work for now.